Book a Reading

Here is how this works. If you would like to make a booking, please fill out this form and send it on. I will respond!! But sometimes my responses get sent to your junk folder…. so please check there, if you don’t see a response in a few days. Or email me directly at Some mail servers send emails to junk, so please understand it is never my intention to ignore you.

On your form, please note what package or session type you are seeking (see options listed below). Also please indicate which medium of communication you wish to speak in (zoom etc…).  I will reply within 48 hours to set up a time. I will do my best to meet with you as soon as I am able.

When we have our call, it will be over a teleconference over software that you have indicated you are comfortable with.  I will invite you to the call via email before our scheduled time. You click on the link, and then will be brought into a private meeting room with me, for a face to face recorded conversation. If you prefer voice only, you can turn your video OFF yet still have the option of seeing my screen on your computer, so that I can show you your chart while we talk! Readings  are the process of walking clients through my delineation/interpretation as we speak – it brings the experience to life in a significant way.

If you are unable to visual software (perhaps you only have access to a phone), please let me know and we’ll find an alternative way to connect.

Readings quoted in CAD.   Fees are due at the time of the reading.

**All fees are payable through e-transfer, paypal or cash.

Astrology Service Request Form

6 + 7 =


Lasting 90 minutes, this is a comprehensive birth chart analysis covering ones unique personality parameters, identifying major evolutionary opportunities, exploring purpose and direction, and detailing current transits and cycles.  I examine the chart using  multiple astrological approaches. This can be life changing and incredibly eye opening. 


For those with a Natal Reading within the past 6 months.

90 minute reading. A follow up can be used for deeper chart exploration, to further your understanding of your inner constellation. An effective psychoanalytic tool, this conversation can happen any time ‘reflection’ feels helpful – just as you would see a therapist or a coach when you need to chew something over or gain perspective.

MINI-SYNASTRY (Option - Only as an add on to other session booked - $44 CAD)

If you are already booked into a reading and you want to have a peek at your partner, your friend, your lover or your child… in relation to your natal chart.  I offer a less detailed analysis. This is a quick way to identify potential blocks in communication, points of ease and congruence, and soul-to-soul lessons/karma.

**Up to an extra 30 minutes will be allotted for this overview (not in depth). This will be provided as add on at time of booking of natal or follow up reading.

Cost: $44 CAD (only booked in adddition to a reading)